I cannot believe that our Ellie girl turned 6 months old earlier this week! This past month was FULL of so many fun moments. We are truly soaking up every minute with our girl & loving every stage with her. Ellie’s 6th month included sitting up by herself for the first time, eating (and loving) lots of different baby food, playing her piano sitting up, looking at herself in the mirror, listening to music with Mama & Daddy, swinging outside, & smiling ALL the time! We say it often, but Ellie really is (usually) the happiest girl & we are so thankful!! Some of our favorite moments this month included tons of playtime outside, our family photoshoot with Ashley Upchurch Photography (can’t wait to see & share the photos!), & Ellie’s dedication at our church surrounded by all of her family! This month’s update is a little long because we’ve made so many fun memories!!
Ellie loves trying on new clothes (thanks to Aunt Kels for this one!) She was very unsure about baby food at first because her CRAZY (and inexperienced) parents gave her cold food at first haha! Once we learned to warm it up, she’s loved EVERYTHING!!
A fun afternoon playing in the yard, turned into a photoshoot of course…
Ellie has fun playing in Mama’s office when she doesn’t want to nap!
Her faces…you never know what you’re going to get & it’s the BEST!!
Playtime in the sunroom is a new favorite for Ellie!
She’s like “Mom, more tummy time?!” But clearly she enjoys it haha!
I believe this was when we tried carrots for the first time – she was obviously not a fan at first but she will eat them now!!
When she doesn’t want to nap, we do photoshoots haha!
We got to go eat lunch with Aunt Kels at her school one Friday!! Ellie loves going to The Hatch! And of course I had to put her in Pelahatchie colors!
Loving eating baby food more & more! Saturday errands with Daddy while I was shooting a wedding!
So glad Aunt Katie came to see us! Zeke is so good with his little sister!!
The first time she sat up by herself!! So proud!!
Ellie loves getting some playtime in with Daddy before he leaves for work!
A few iPhone captures after our family photoshoot with Ashley Upchurch Photography! She took Ellie’s newborn photos & we were so excited to have her do another shoot for us for Ellie’s 6th month mark!
I love my girl!!!
Ellie was very ready for the weekend apparently…she covered her face like this on her own & just laid there like this for several minutes haha
So thankful we got to visit Gran again!! Ellie met her twin besties Madelyn & Emerson – so cute!
Finally meeting our sweet friends the Moores at church! We love being a part of the Fondren Church family!!
Hanging out on Aunt Kels’ porch for the first time! She LOVED sitting in her red chair!
ALL the pink & ALL the craziness!!
Found her sleeping with her head back like this – so precious. She brings us so much joy!!
Bedtime is one of our favorites parts of the day!!
Sitting up to play her piano…such a big girl!
Ellie loves looking at herself in the mirror haha! And she loves wearing her Daddy’s hats!
Sunday, May 2 was Ellie’s dedication at our church. I decided to have a little pre-dedication party at our house for our families – loved celebrating our girl!!
When I saw this photo, I was just overwhelmed with joy – me & my girl making the same expression!
This was her first time in “big church” since she always goes to the nursery on Sunday mornings. She did so great!!
Very grateful for these friends!!
Our small group has grown a lot within the past couple of years with all these baby girls!!
Ellie’s first 1/2 birthday!! Naturally, I had to do 3 different photoshoots of her…bless her for putting up with her crazy photographer Mama!!
Ellie found her feet a couple of weeks ago & it’s the cutest!!
She’s gonna be mad at me one day for sharing photos like this one but I mean look at that face! This is her first reaction EVERY time I try to take her monthly photos with my professional camera, but she never does it when I use my phone ha! It’s hilarious!! I love you baby girl, & I can’t believe you’re already 6 months old!!
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