I have loved getting to know & capture the Taylor family during this growing season for them! Their maternity session a couple of months ago was so sweet. I have been looking forward to taking their lifestyle newborn photos in Brandon, Mississippi after they welcomed their baby girl!! Ellie James arrived on April 23 at 7 pounds 2 ounces & 20 inches long. She is so beautiful!

Obviously I love her name & that both of our families have girls named Ellie! Big brother Parker did so great during both of our sessions. I’m thankful that I will get to watch both of these sweet kids grow since we go to the same church & Parker & my Ellie are close to the same age!

I loved taking a lot of our photos in Ellie’s beautiful nursery that her awesome dad Cody designed! I also loved hearing Bailey explain how thankful they are that Ellie is such a healthy baby. At their anatomy scan, they were told she might have some health issues, but praise the Lord she is overall so healthy!!

Taylor family – I’m honored that I got to capture these first photos of your beautiful family of 4!!

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Meet Katelyn

Welcome to the blog! I’m Katelyn, a Mississippi-based wedding & portrait photographer, & I'm so glad you're here!

hey friends!